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"Dad, do you like being married?"
"Sure. Without a wife, I`d never know how to do things the RIGHT way & I`d still be afraid of death."
Grab a banana for breakfast! They are known as a happy fruit. Eating just one can help relieve irritable emotions, anger and or depression.
When you`ve been hiding something in your room and your mom says " I cleaned your room today.."
Humans have more things living on their skin than Earth does on its surface.
A condition called “False Awakening” occurs when you’re dreaming that you’ve woken up, but still are in deep sleep.
teacher: You need to cross multiply

"Which one of you is Multiply"
when you care enough about your grades to cry at night but not enough to do anything to change them
Me: "Can you please round up my grade to an A"
Teacher: "You currently have an F"
Every time you get dressed remember that if you die, that’s going to be your ghost outfit forever.
DID YOU KNOW? Jackie Chan is also a singer. He has produced over 20 albums and sung over 100 songs in over 5 languages.

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