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Is it strange if I ask my ex if I could use her as a reference on my resume for a new girlfriend?
Gravity... The only thing that can keep me down :)
Theres a fine line between tan, and looking like you rolled in doritos. :)
Don`t lie to people, unless you are absolutely sure that they`ll never find out the truth.
Life is like a roller coaster, too many unexpected turns. but at the end, you just want to ride it again.
That awkward moment when the music turns off, but you`re still proudly singing.
The Brain Is The Most Outstanding Organ. It Works For 24 Hrs , 365 Days, Right From Your Birth Until You Fall In Love.
When life gives you ORANGES, stand on top of a tall building, and throw them at people. It`s fun :D
Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource – the minds of our children. -WaltDisney
Never stop learning. Never stop educating yourself. When you stop learning, you stop growing & maturing!