Facebook status

This dog,is dog,a dog,good dog,way dog,2 dog,keep dog,an dog,idiot dog,busy dog,4 dog,30 dog,seconds dog. Now read without the word dog
3 ways to die early. smoking = 5 years early. alcohol = 10 years early. loving someone who doesn`t love you = you die daily
`Would you like to share that with the class?` No, thats why i whispered it.
I haven`t heard this song in forever... And yet, somehow I still remember all the words.
"I got to show you who I`m talking about, let`s get on facebook."
Here`s to the future, because I`m done with the past.
When I read your status , I mentally correct your grammar mistakes.
nothing is funny when you are trying to be funny
Oh hi life, I didn`t see you behind all that school!
Everything is funnier at four am!