Facebook status

I hate when its quiet and your eating something crunchy.
Ever since I met you, it hasn`t been the same. All you got me doing is drawing hearts around your name.
is out making some changes in his or her life...leave a message and I`ll get back to you. if I don`t return your message you are one of the changes!
(\_/) ♥ (\_/)
(♥.♥)♥ (o.0)
(")(") ♥ (")(")
You wanna know whos amazing & got the cutest smile ever? Read the first word again :)
That awkward moment when you think you are typing something and you look up and there is nothing there!!
When someone smells nice, it automatically makes him more attractive.
The ONE DAY I`m absent from school is the ONE DAY everything happens!
good job, you`re the biggest bitch i know. wanna cookie?
There are 3 things in life, that should never be broken: Heart, promises, and friendship.
S.T.U.D.Y = Sleeping, Talking, Unlimited Texting, Dreaming, Yawning.