Facebook status

friend: someone told me that u like him..
me: ewww... and who is that someone?
friend: that i can`t tell u...
me: then why the hell did you say that?
life is a game we all have to play!
Life is like facebook. People will like your problems & comment, but no one will solve them because everyone`s busy updating theirs.
The awkward moment when someone is crying and you`re trying your hardest not to laugh.
Teacher:"your homework is to read these pages" ME:"YES no homework tonight!"
Friends are like walls. Sometimes you lean on them, but sometimes it`s just enough to know they are there.
Parents always see us taking a break, but never see us Studying.
"I wasnt that Drunk".
Dude, you stared at a box of juice because it said: Concentrated.
Turn your can`t into cans, turn your dream into plans.
A boy is his cutest when he`s jealous, because at that moment you realize he really cares.