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Life is like a book. When something goes wrong, just turn the page.
I sleep too much. Parents complain. I don`t sleep enough. Parents complain. I don`t see a way to win here.
"Mom, I swear my room was clean this morning." "So what happened?" "I got dressed."
That awkward moment when your parents tell you to stand in line and you`re near the cashier and they haven`t come back yet.
Facebook should change it from "friends" to "people i`ve made eye contact with".
LIEK IF: `A, B, C, or D?` ``Well I haven`t had a B for like 4 questions so I`ll choose that"
I don`t understand why people need drugs, when there`s food.
Don`t Fall For ₩ords, Fall For Actioηs. . . .
In A Relationship, When The Communication Fades, Everything Else Follows. . .
Sometimes you only forgive people because you still want them in your life.