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The saying "We ignore the ones who love us and love the ones who ignore us." is just living proof that life never plays fair.
When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities.
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.
iMac. iPod. iPhone. iPad. iMissSteve.
Seeing a cute couple & think,"I want a boyfriend like that."
A real man is not a word player, because a real man always keep his words.
I ask my parents a simple yes or no question & I get a lecture. :)
Remember, every time you buy a pineapple, you make one Spongebob`s relatives homeless.
I wish I was her, and you were mine. That`s all.
Don`t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.