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I promised myself I wouldn`t lower my standards for anyone. So why did I make an exception for him?
If you don`t text her, she understand. If you don`t call her, she understand. So if she stop loving you, hope you understand too.
It feels good to be different in a unique way...
I hate the fact that you ignore me for so long, then you start talking to me like nothing happened.
Boys wanna get an attention from girls? Easy, call them slut & you`ll get slapped.
*Hot guy has accepted your friend request* Let the stalking begin.♥
Don`t forget that the cow goes moo... the duck goes quack quack...and the night club goes, oontz oontz oontz oontz!
Trying to read what the doctor wrote on your prescription... "Is this English?"
Truth is, you really don`t deserve her anyway.
There`s always the one person you regret giving your number too.