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The more we are filled with love, the less room there is for hate.
LIKE IF: I never actually re-check my test. I just basically flip through the pages..
Admit it; Half the people you said you would "hangout with" this summer, never did.
Life is unfair - but sometimes it is unfair in our favour.
The higher you build the walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone finally breaks them down.
I hate it when I`m reading & I start thinking about something & I have no idea what I just read.
The true beauty of a woman is her ability to make a man better in every way.
A girl, no matter how much she denies it, will always remember every detail, every moment, every piece of memory you`ve left her.
Only 10 calories per brownie? Ok, I`ll take 20, thanks :D
"I wasnt that Drunk". Dude, you stared at a box of juice because it said: Concentrated.