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The perfect seat in class would be one where you are surrounded by your best friend, your crush, a smart person, & a really cool funny kid.
is Saying "Wow you`re cool!" When you see someone doing something stupid!
That awkward moment when no one in bikini bottoms knows who Pearl`s mom is.
A good song should lift your heart, warm your soul, and make you feel good.
College is the only time in which being poor and drunk is acceptable.
There`s always that one bruise you don`t know how you got.
You can love two people at the same time but never at the same degree.
That awkward moment when an atheist sneezes & you say, "god bless you."
People say that the bad memories cause the most pain, but actually it’s the good ones that drive you insane.
If Cinderella`s shoe fit perfectly, why did it fall off?