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Video games: When in doubt, push random buttons!
That awkward moment when you get out of the shower & there`s no towel.
Mirror - "Ooh you look cute today!" Camara - "Lol, no."
Cop: Do you know how fast you were going? Me: I was trying to keep up with traffic. Cop: There`s no traffic. Me: That`s how far behind I am!
That mini heart attack you get when you reach in your pocket & your phone isn`t there.
Love has a way of leaving us with a full head but an empty heart.
*On a roller coaster* Other People: "AHHH! WOOOHOO!" You: "HOLY sh*t, GET ME OFF THIS!!"
Lesson learned: don’t place your happiness in someone else’s hands, because once they’re gone, so is your happiness.
There`s always one song.. that fits the situation a little too perfectly.
Dear ceiling, couldn`t you tell me the answer when im staring at you in a test? Sincerely, student who didn`t study.