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There`s no relationship without any fights, but you always can make your relationship worth the fight.
I won’t take a bullet for anyone because if I have time to jump in front of a bullet, you have time to move.
It`s sweet when someone remembers every little detail about you, not because you keep reminding them... but because they pay attention.
I never wanted to grow up, I just wanted to be tall enough to reach the cookies.
The biggest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot.
one of the biggest mistake girls always make is falling too hard for a guy.
My life isn’t perfect, but it does have perfect moments.
Dear Radio Stations, you do know that there`s more then 5 songs in the world right!?
I heard you`re a player. Nice to meet you. I`m the coach.
Screaming "NOOOOO" when the teacher starts erasing the board when you`re not done copying.