Facebook status

Pissed off: (╮°-°)╮┳━┳ (╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ *flips table*
Admit It. We have all tried to have a diary but failed epically
My internet is so slow, it`s just faster to drive to the Google headquarters and ask them shit in person -_-
"Dude, she just called you fat!" "Oh hell no. Hold my cake! LOL jk, I`m hungry."
It`s weird that our bodies are made up of so much water and yet we can`t breathe underwater o_O
She is a player, but it`s my game ;)
“Are you asleep?” “No I was in coma, thanks for saving me."
Please stop looking so hot, I`m trying to stop liking you.
Relationships nowadays: First week, I love you baby! Second week, we are forever! Third week, Single.
Putting your phone on your lap in class, then when the teacher walks by, closing your legs awkwardly to hide it