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Like if this happens to you all the time..
You: OMG!!!
Friend: What! Is there a cute boy?
You: NO!
Friend: Then What?
You: Ugh! I forgot :/
Girl: Can you hold this while I go for a walk?
Boy: But, Can I go with you?
Girl: If you will hold it forever <3
That Awkward moment when you catch yourself singing a song you realy hate
-Charles Junior
If you treat someone like a celebrity don`t be surprised if they treat you like a fan...
Without the little voice in your head you wouldn`t be able to read this.
It`s impossible to say "I wasn`t talking to you" politely.
Everyone has that one song you always skip through, but never delete.
Things I do when I have to study: 1% = study. 99% = tell people I have to study.
That awkward moment when a package says "Easy open" & you end up using scissors, knife, hammer, gun & a lightsaber trying to open it.
That gangsta feeling when you rap your favorite song without messing up.