Facebook status

LIKE IF : ME: "OMG I have to tell you this story about-" *starts laughing* *deep breath* "Ok there was this..." *starts laughing*
FAKE FRIENDS laugh behind your back, REAL FRIENDS put you on YouTube… and THEN laugh at you.
I`m tired of this long distance relationship. Fridge, you`re coming to my room.
Pick colors and send as your status:
Red- I love you
Yellow- You brighten up my day
Pink- I like you
Green- You`re my world
Purple- You`re my best friend
Orange- I hate you
Blue- Leave me alone
Black- You`re gorgeous
White- You`re ugly
Brown- Go and die
Gray- You`re dull
Indigo - You`re handsome
Gold- You`re cute
It is EASY to THINK,but it is REALLY HARD to DO IT.
I eat chilies.
I become a dragon!!
5 hours later
I become a jetpack!
life is a daring adventure or nothing at all
"Helen Keller"
Out of 66158520000 guys in this world. you are that 1 that completes me. :) <3
WHERE YOUR PHONE DISAPPEARS WHEN YOU DROP IT: 2% where you dropped it,4% 5 feet away from you, 94% Into another dimension never to be seen again!!
Like if having your nails wet and looking totally weak when you try to open a new bottle because you don`t wanna smudge your nails...