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Common sense is like deodorant... The people who need it most never use it.
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead to the belief that you can sing.
I would love to see all my classmates when we`re 30.
Dear Mom, thanks for not answering the phone. I could be locked in some rapist`s basement for all you know. Thanks, nice to know im loved.
I hate April Fools Day. – Especially on the internet. I never know what to believe and I’m extremely gullible.
"But mom... what if I get kidnapped?" `Trust me, they will bring you back.` Me: -_-
Pretty face gets attention. Pretty heart gets commitment.
When you forget the name of something when you`re about to ask for it: "Can you pass me that thing?" "what thing?" "THAT THING!
If it`s STILL limited, it`s not PATIENCE. Real patience has no limit.
Awkward eye contact with people in cars next to you at red lights.