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Doing the moonwalk is the only way to look cool while wiping dog crap off your shoes.
"Can I borrow your pencil?" "Yeah" = Forever gone!
That awkward moment, when you wake up with one sock on.
Dear schools, how is being suspended a punishment for skipping classes? sincerely, Logic.
Is it dead? ( ._.) (._. ) I don`t know? Poke it.
Junk is something you`ve kept for years, then throw away three weeks before you need it.
That mini heart attack you get when someone says, "Oh, I heard something about you."
That awkward run you do when a car lets you cross the street.
Who else gets really annoyed when someone leaves your room, without closing the door?
Girlfriend: Wanna see a magic trick? Boyfriend: Sure, babe. Girlfriend: BAM! You`re single.